5 P(s) in Quality Assurance Era

Now a days everyone is talking about “Quality” but we need to observe that are we taking it seriously to be improved or its just a voice.

We should focus to initiate some steps :

Track Mistakes

If we are going to commit to quality, first we must define exactly what quality is.

For software industry, this process involves user visibility and the process of releases of a product’s specifications and then measuring the quality that how much it has been achieved.

A fishbone diagram, also called a cause and effect diagram or Ishikawa diagram, is a visualization tool for categorizing the potential causes of a problem in order to identify its root causes. fishbone diagram

Dr. Kaoru Ishikawa, a Japanese quality control expert, is credited with inventing the fishbone diagram to help employees avoid solutions that merely address the symptoms of a much larger problem.

Invest in Training

Training takes on several dimensions. For starters, we should set up a new-employee initiation program that trains workers to focus on quality issues from their first day on the job.

Whether we hand train duties to our employees, take them on personally, or some combination of the two approaches, it’s important that we provide workers with a history of the company through the lens of quality.

Let them know what problems we have had in the past, how we corrected these problems, and where our company stands with respect to its quality goals today.

We should also go over our definition of quality in detail, and show them how we measure quality (KPI -> Key Performance Indicators).

Finally, train workers to see the connection between their actions and, more broadly, their work ethic, and the company’s overall performance.

By tying individual behavior to an overall system of work, and then showing where that system can, on occasion break down, we will be giving workers the information they need to be good stewards of our business.

Maintain Quality Circle

Our staff members may roll their eyes at the introduction of such a dated technique, but organizing employees into quality circles can be an effective way to identify and address problems.

Simply put, quality circles are groups of employees who are encouraged to assess processes and recommend improvements, all with the goal of promoting quality, efficiency, and productivity.

The concept was developed by Deming in post-war Japan, and made its way to the United States in the late 1970s.

Quality circles, by any other name, are teams of workers who are given the authority and responsibility for making a business better.

To succeed, experts say that participation in a quality circle should be voluntary; circles should draw members from all corners of a company; and the circle should set its own agenda (rather than pursuing a company owner’s agenda.)

A very well known quotation :

Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance

Mr. Faisal Tujamal shared with us in a Workshop of Pakistan Software Testing Board.

So we need to focus on these 5 P(s) by using above steps.