
WordPress Training Session

Provided whole training on Word press which includes Basics of wordpress Front/Back end Folder hierarchy Installation of themes and plug-ins Create/update themes Installation of WooCommerce plug-in Setting an e-commerce store in wordpress.

How to Re-Try

I have read many blog posts where authors have shared their views about to start a task or activity. They have shared few tips or instructions to complete the task / activity successful. Of course many people follow the tips/instructions and try to complete the task but there is no help for those who failed …

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E-Commerce with Magento Training Session

Provided training on E-Commerce and Create/Manage web store using Magento. There were 4 participants and all having laptops so hand-on experience we provided. Outline includes: Installation and cracks Overview of front end and back end Theme customization Module customization Theme Development Module Development  


Envision IT

Provided a 2 hour knowledge sharing session on ‘Envision IT’ to youngsters to provide them an idea that in which field of IT they can work/select. I covered the complete cycle of idea transformation.  

Unlock Your Leadership

I got a chance to attend an attractive session of Leadership with a title “Unlock Your Leadership” by Mohsin Lodhi in supervision of platform Shana Bashana. Mohsin Lodhi has over 35 years of experience in Training, Coaching and Consultancy in corporate, non-profit, legal firms, armed forces, teaching institutes, small firms and large multinational organizations. Total participants …

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How to fix empty dashboard issue in WordPress?

To fix the bug: Open file blog/wp-admin/includes/screen.php in your favorite text editor. On line 706 find the following PHP statement: <?php echo self::$this->_help_sidebar; ?> Replace it with the statement: <?php echo $this->_help_sidebar; ?> Save your changes. Hope it helps you.

How to Disable second screen in Ubuntu

On update, ubuntu shows 2 screen as default. Here is fix xrandr | grep connected sudo nano /etc/lightdm/ #!/bin/bash   xrandr –output HDMI1 –off #change HDMI1 with your device id ( you can check by executing command ‘xrandr’ sudo chmod +x /etc/lightdm/ Edit /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf and add the following line to the file greeter-setup-script=/etc/lightdm/ It will remove …

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Agile in IT Industry

Provided 60 min session on “Agile in IT Industry” to all team members of Gold Bar Tech including CEO Mr. Khurram Shahzad. Their feedback was excellent and appreciated a lot. I covered the manifesto of Agile and its values that how it reflects in industry Also includes the key points of traditional to Agile project management …

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