
Honor speech at #WomenInQA

I was invited by Mariam Aslam (Founder of WomenInQA) for its first 2 days training.

Objective of training was to provide a full essence of Quality Assurance to the participants who are beginner and medium level of their careers.

Around 30+ participants joined the training along their laptop and the speakers or presenters belongs to various companies of Islamabad.

My talk was focused on #AgileTesting which includes the software development project management with Agility. Also explained the testing related activities are not at end of project or near to release while Testing activities should be planned for each step like analysis, planning, development and then testing too. so testing team can verify that requirement and analysis done by team is aligned or not.

More over Testing team should be focused on business domain knowledge and should guide the all departments w.r.t business flow and application flow

2 days training was fruitful for the participants and they can easily get job or increase their performance in their existing role at their job. more over they get the more practical hands on tool base training to do more tool based automate testing.

Good luck #WomenInQA